"To provide and facilitate the best support and care for children with heart conditions and their families within New Zealand".
Heart Children New Zealand is the only organisation that is dedicated solely to providing the support required by children with heart conditions and their families.
Heart Children New Zealand was established in October 1994 and is a national organisation with 22 regional branches and/or support groups.
Fascinating Facts
A congenital heart condition is the most common serious birth abnormality in New Zealand needing ongoing medical intervention.
600 children born in New Zealand this year will have a congenital heart condition.
Each year 30 - 40 children with a heart defect lose the battle to survive
Approximately 400 children this year will undergo heart surgery
More than 1,000 children a year are treated at Paediatric Cardiac Unit currently located at Starship Hospital
70% of all heart surgery involves stopping the child’s heart
10-11 people work in the paediatric cardiac surgery team
On average heart surgery takes 290 minutes or 17,400 seconds